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[efax-users] Re: Can't send fax as USER

Hi Rolf, 

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 09:09, Rolf Pedersen wrote: 
>   - snip -
> > 
> > # chown -R fax.fax /var/spool/fax
> > 
> > (Is there a "." (stop) between fax.fax)
> > 
> Yes, this works also as fax:fax but I think fax.fax is being adopted as 
> the correct syntax.

# chown -R fax.fax /var/spool/fax 
chown: `fax.fax': invalid user 
# chown -R fax:fax /var/spool/fax 
chown: `fax:fax': invalid user

Could not proceed further 

$ ll /var/spool/fax/ 
total 8 
drwxrwxr-x    2 root     uucp         4096 May 27 11:58 incoming 
drwxrwx---    3 lp       lp           4096 May 24 23:56 outgoing 

Comparing with your result maybe "outgoing" has problem, not showing as
"root   uucp" 

$ ll /var/spool/fax -d 
drwxrwxr-x    4 root     uucp         4096 May 22 15:10 /var/spool/fax 
$ ll /usr/bin/fax 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        31248 May 22 15:10 /usr/bin/fax 
$ ll /var/lock -d 
drwxrwxrwx    4 root     lock         4096 May 28 11:56 /var/lock 

> [rolf@localhost rolf]$ ll /var/spool/fax
> total 1
> drwxr-xr-x    2 fax      fax            48 Feb 12 10:41 incoming/
> drwxr-xr-x    2 fax      fax            48 Feb 12 10:41 outgoing/
> [rolf@localhost rolf]$ ll /var/spool/fax -d
> drwxr-xr-x    4 fax      fax            96 Mar 30 12:32 /var/spool/fax/
> [rolf@localhost rolf]$ ll /usr/bin/fax
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        16184 Jan 18 07:32 /usr/bin/fax*
> [rolf@localhost rolf]$ ll /var/lock -d
> drwxrwxr-x    3 root     root           72 May 27 06:08 /var/lock/

> What I frequently do is call konqueror from a root prompt to adjust 
> permissions on files and directories under the Permissions tab when you 
> right-click the file.  You can also change user(owner) and group here.

Yes.  Sometimes I change permission in this way but login as ROOT only.  
While working as User I can't make use of Konqueror.  I can't "su -" it.

> This is another thing that I usually do in the gui.  Mandrake has 
> userdrake, where you can add groups that a user belongs to.  Do
> apropos user
> and
> apropos group
> to get an idea of the manuals to read.  Do
> man usermod
> where you will see that
> usermod -G
> can be used to add a group to the user's list of groups, as long as you 
> list all the current groups, as well.  Like I say, I am not expert, so I 
> don't know what is the best.  I think the owner.group is somewhat 
> arbitrary as long as it is consistent.  As I look at the permissions 
> under /var/spool, I see that group doesn't have write permissions, so I 
> don't completely understand what it is I am saying to do.  Maybe you can 
> figure something out.

On RH 8.0  I can do
KStart -> System Settings -> Users and Groups 

I found USER already added there.
